Tuesday, April 3, 2012

subject to change

We all have one. Some take it more seriously than others. I've become convinced that your bucket list may be your defining characteristic--kind of like an outline for your life. They're difficult to write--I always have the feeling that I'm leaving something off--but crucial all the same.

I like the idea of having a fluid list to refer to, so I'm going to keep one here.

1. Learn another language. Become as fluent as possible.
2. Live in another country for a year or longer.
3. Get my PhD.
4. Visit every continent.
5. Kiss a boy.
6. Be able to clearly express why I believe what I believe.
7. Write a novel.

Some of these are short term goals. Some are long term goals.Some are very long term goals.
And I expect that I'll add more as I live more, find more things I want to do.

That's ok. It wouldn't be much of a bucket list if it didn't take a lifetime.


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